jQuery Ajax/JS Library v1.1 Released

Yesterday, the jQuery project turned 1 year old and to coincide with its release, jQuery v1.1 was officially released. This is a HUGE accomplishment for any open source project, especially in the Ajax/JS library arena where there are so many good options to choose from.

jQuery Turns 1 Year Old and v1.1 is Released

The biggest change to jQuery is the dramatic improvement is speed. jQuery 1.1s selectors are 10x-20x faster than those in jQuery 1.0.4.

The project website also received a fantastic “Web 2.0-style” facelift with better navigation and organization across the board.

The documentation was also updated and categorized to make working with jQuery a snap. Unlike other projects, the jQuery team takes great pride in ensuring that the documentation is thorough and up-to-date. We feel that new users shouldn't have to wade through Google to find bits and pieces of information in order to be successful.

In addition, Visual Jquery, the awesome visual jQuery documentation resource has been updated to reflect the changes in jQuery v1.1. Great work Yehuda!!! (http://www.visualjquery.com)

Last but not least, some really exciting news has come to light. Theres a jQuery Book in the works! This is VERY exciting and will just help to further validate jQuery as one of the top Ajax/JS libraries out there and expand jQuery's reach to the corporate arena.

Download jQuery Here:

jQuery 1.1
jQuery 1.1 Compressed
jQuery 1.1 – All Code, Docs, and Tests
jQuery 1.1 – Build Your Own Copy of jQuery


jQuery 1.1 Documentation


  1. おめでとうございます!短縮URL切れてます…! RT @yuyatan_sato: 証拠。RT @Shincho_Bungei そして、佐藤友哉さんの『デンデラ』(09年6月刊)、映画化が決定しました!http://bit.ly/gZG9

  2. 疑ってごめんなちゃい RT @yuyatan_sato: 証拠。RT Shincho_Bungei そして、佐藤友哉さんの『デンデラ』(09年6月刊)、映画化が決定しました!http://bit.ly/gZG9

  3. 疑ったわけぢゃないんです(笑)おめでとうございます!!RT @yuyatan_sato 証拠。RT @Shincho_Bungei そして、佐藤友哉さんの『デンデラ』(09年6月刊)、映画化が決定しました!http://bit.ly/gZG9

  4. ま、マジなのかぁ。信じてなかった← RT @yuyatan_sato: 証拠。RT @Shincho_Bungei そして、佐藤友哉さんの『デンデラ』(09年6月刊)、映画化が決定しました!http://bit.ly/gZG9

  5. あのユヤタンのあの『デンデラ』映画化・浅丘ルリ子倍賞美津子山本陽子草笛光子ええええ!!! RT @yuyatan_sato: 証拠。RT @Shincho_Bungei そして、佐藤友哉さんの『デンデラ』(09年6月刊)、映画化が決定しました!http://bit.ly/gZG9

  6. !!! “@kozysan: あのユヤタンのあの『デンデラ』映画化・浅丘ルリ子倍賞美津子山本陽子草笛光子ええええ!!! RT @yuyatan_sato: 証拠。RT @Shincho_Bungei そして、佐藤友哉さんの『デンデラ』… http://bit.ly/gZG9”

  7. 読んでるけどえぇスプラッタなのに快挙!RT @yonemitsu !!!“@kozysan: あのユヤタンのあの『デンデラ』映画化・浅丘ルリ子倍賞美津子山本陽子草笛光子 RT @yuyatan_sato: RT @Shincho_Bungei http://bit.ly/gZG9

  8. あらーユヤタン!久しぶりに読みたい! RT @yonemitsu: !!! “@kozysan: あのユヤタンのあの『デンデラ』映画化・浅丘ルリ子倍賞美津子山本陽子草笛光子ええええ!!! http://bit.ly/gZG9”

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